Cosmic Collisions: birth, rebirth and the Universe
Cosmic Collisions: birth, rebirth and the Universe is a collaboration which reaches back to the forces and structures at the origin of our Universe and reveals and interprets those forces – those cosmic collisions – in new and unexpected collisions of art, architecture and the cosmos.
The exhibition is also a meeting place of creators and thinkers of world renown. Artist and architect Daniel Libeskind, cosmologist Carlos Frenk and writer and land artist Charles Jencks are the principal collaborators in this acclaimed line-up.
Into this exciting mix Cosmic Collisions is also proud to present the next generation of science and art with the Libeskind siblings of cosmologist Noam and artist Rachel.
Within the standpoint of cosmic collisions: collisions of planets, of comets or of galaxies and the subsequent birth of billions of new stars, the exhibition also acts as a location for a collision of ideas – collisions that take place at the intersections of art and science and collisions that give birth to new ideas, over and over again.