Tonic Arts : Life under Lockdown
David Rushton was lucky enough to be selected by NHS Lothian’s Tonic Arts project to submit work for an exhibition titled Life under Lockdown. Life under Lockdown will include the work of artists from six generations, each invited to explore living and adjusting to Covid-19 in their home and community lives.
With Covid-19 excluding visitors, the Museum of Model Art in Sanquhar became a temporary workshop for David and Morane le Coz, a French artist in residence at MERZ. Morane‘s stay was extended from March into May due to the pandemic.
Shown here is progress on David’s 1/24th scale model of the Museum of Model Art (serving currently as a workshop and recreation space).
The model includes laser engraved glazed bricks reproduced from drawings by Briar Engravings in Wigtown. There’s also Morane‘s wallpaper, and insulation and plaster boards awaiting installation in the Tadpole Studio/Residency buildings beside the Museum.
Work will continue on the model till the end of August, with the Western General Hospital exhibition commencing in Edinburgh in mid September.
After its appearance in Lothian hospitals the exhibition may tour, so along the way it might come to MERZ in Sanquhar.