Glòria Coll Domingo is a Catalan poet and musician in residence at MERZ. Her work as a poet has been awarded several prizes: Amadeu Oller for unpublished young poets, Miquel Martí i Pol from University UPC and recently this year the prestigious Jocs Florals, a contest with centuries of history. Glòria has published, so far, four books: Oda als objectes (Ode to the objects), Territori inhabitable (Uninhabitable territory), Retorn (Return) and A través (which could be translated as Going through). Her poetry has been described as precise in terms of language and images, with a high regard for the tension and the form, and her topics vary from the female body, desire, shame and questions about the relation of men and women nowadays, into issues such as family oppressions, silences and taboos and the importance of memory and oblivion.