MERZ made a visit to Jane Frere‘s studio with artist Olga Lapteva and designer Anna Seisian from Ukraine. We encountered Jane’s ‘elephant in the room’ created especially for COP26. We were talking about war: all wars. The average west-world human contributes ten tons of CO2e per capita per annum into the atmosphere. If we are to begin to address the climate emergency this needs to be reduced to two tons CO2e per capita into the atmosphere by 2030. But here goes: 2017 USA armed forces produced approximately 59 million metric tons in one year. A figure higher than many industrialised nations. And so on and so forth. While Jane’s at it! A B52 bomber burns 12,000 litres of fuel per hour. And we are/should be concerned by our own personal footprint! Feeling the ‘heat’? I’d say so!